Thursday, December 10, 2009

Epiphany with extra pip

I just got my free bus pass for 2010, its surprising that the decade is almost over. I can't believe that at the start of the decade I was just beginning high school. I guess I am noticing because this has obviously my most active decade so far. My last decade started when I was 4, so even though I was quite active when I was a wee one; biting, kicking, running around in circles (for me it was the terrible 4s) I have been more "adult" active this soon to be passing decade then any other. I am old enough, 23, to truly understand what the end of the decade means. It means I am getting fucking oooooooooooold! Actually it isn't the years that I care about, it is the fact that I haven't really done anything with my time. I mean sure, I have learned how to pass MOST of my classes, and I have learned how to keep from being fired at a boring ass, yep stressful job, but nothing of worth. Hmm, now that I have had an epiphany about my life I will do what everyone else does and forget about it and keep doing what I have been doing. Later!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ohhhh the little things

Ok, I love the cold, especially seeing as I live in texas and we don't get cold very long, heat yes, cold no; but some things about the cold quite suck. Example: It takes a great effort just to go to the mail box. Usually I would just walk over to it barefoot and wearing what ever I have on, seeing as it isn't that far away, but when it is freezing outside things become more difficult. I have to put on pants, shoes and socks, two jackets, gloves, and maybe a head covering of some kind; so a trip that usually takes a few minutes takes like 3 or 4 times as long. Ok, i'm done bitching.