Thursday, December 10, 2009

Epiphany with extra pip

I just got my free bus pass for 2010, its surprising that the decade is almost over. I can't believe that at the start of the decade I was just beginning high school. I guess I am noticing because this has obviously my most active decade so far. My last decade started when I was 4, so even though I was quite active when I was a wee one; biting, kicking, running around in circles (for me it was the terrible 4s) I have been more "adult" active this soon to be passing decade then any other. I am old enough, 23, to truly understand what the end of the decade means. It means I am getting fucking oooooooooooold! Actually it isn't the years that I care about, it is the fact that I haven't really done anything with my time. I mean sure, I have learned how to pass MOST of my classes, and I have learned how to keep from being fired at a boring ass, yep stressful job, but nothing of worth. Hmm, now that I have had an epiphany about my life I will do what everyone else does and forget about it and keep doing what I have been doing. Later!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ohhhh the little things

Ok, I love the cold, especially seeing as I live in texas and we don't get cold very long, heat yes, cold no; but some things about the cold quite suck. Example: It takes a great effort just to go to the mail box. Usually I would just walk over to it barefoot and wearing what ever I have on, seeing as it isn't that far away, but when it is freezing outside things become more difficult. I have to put on pants, shoes and socks, two jackets, gloves, and maybe a head covering of some kind; so a trip that usually takes a few minutes takes like 3 or 4 times as long. Ok, i'm done bitching.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

the friday that is black

If people think stores are crazy on black friday they should see the backrooms leading up to the most holy and cursed of days. It is still over a week until friday the 27th and already today it was already pandemonium in the secret place behind the store, where I work, where they keep all the shit. I was seriously like a bunch of ants moving around, doing their little tasks, if ants worked like they were on crack. In one room there was a line of the same tv so long that you could barely see the end; like freaking 40 42inch tvs crammed together awaiting the friday from hell. The scary thing is that we are going to keep getting more and more stuff, even though we don't have the room for it and of course the one thing we don't get in time will probably be the one thing everyone wants. Last year I got yelled at by a customer because we didn't have some freaking $10 gps holder he wanted. Luckily he was the only asshole who wanted one. Technically I am not supposed to even call it black friday though, apparently because some old, white, obese woman complained in some store, some where that black friday is racist, we are supposed to call it a "yearly event". It will forever be black friday to me, or atleast until they come up with a better name. Pray for me :(, not that I think prayer works, but because I like to keep all my options open.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Crazy Aunt

Ok, so I got a call from my mom asking if I sent a email to my aunt talking about my great love of Jesus and etc. My aunt must be going mad in her late middle age because I know I never sent such a email. Now I have nothing against Christians, bible thumpers yes, but not Christians in general. I know I never sent the email because one: I have never sent my aunt a email (she is a bible thumper) and second: I have never written a email about Jesus, either positively or negatively. My mom was even quite sure I hadn't sent the email being the person I am, though she didn't say so to my aunt. Apparently my aunt has been saying a lot of random things lately. Anyways, that is all for now.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I don't want to go to class!!!!!!!!!!!!!